News and Media
Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern shares her Tuia Mātauranga Roadshow experience on Social Media, 6 October 2019
In the news
A fitting end for Tuia 250 voyage, The Wairoa Star (17 December 2019)
Tuia 250 Roadshow: Our dual heritage and future, Channel 39 (2 December 2019)
Hundreds take waka hourua journey, Otago Daily Times (2 December 2019)
Time for a NZ history chat: Tuia Mātauranga roadshow arrives in Hawke's Bay (12 November 2019)
City of Sails welcomes Tuia 250 flotilla (24 October 2019)
Tuia Matauranga Roadshow comes to Tauranga, SunLive (17 October 2019)
PM opens Tuia 250 roadshow on traditional voyaging, Radio NZ (10 October 2019)
Tuia 250 unleashes celebration of waka, Waatea News (7 October 2019)
Open day and roadshow share ancient knowledge, Gisborne Herald (7 October 2019)
New history truck brings learning to life for New Zealanders, Newshub (6 October 2019)

Education Gazette

Roadshow brings stories of Aotearoa to communities
Education Gazette article (8 Nov 2019)
As part of the Tuia Mātauranga education programme, a roadshow is visiting communities across Aotearoa New Zealand supporting the Tuia 250 voyage. The interactive roadshow provides an immersive experience for visitors, enabling learning opportunities from the Tuia 250 commemoration within communities, and supporting a learning experience for tamariki and their whānau. Read more
Video features
Dr Wayne Ngata, a former teacher and noted te reo Māori specialist, says Tuia 250 is an opportunity to highlight stories of Aotearoa New Zealand. He encourages the use of storytelling as a way to expand understanding of our past.