Learning Resources
Learning Resources
Learning resources to support kaiako can be accessed from the Tuia Mātauranga page on Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI). The resources will help kaiako build rich learning opportunities using inquiry-based learning for ākonga.
For each of the topics, Voyaging, First Encounters, NZ Histories, and Legacy of Learning, the following is available:
Learning maps, showing the alignment with Te Whāriki and the NZ Curriculum
Conceptual understandings, key ideas underpinning the themes of the Tuia Mātauranga education programme
Early learning inquiry questions, for provoking ideas and discussions that lead to further learning opportunities
Years 1 – 10 inquiry questions.
Also available for kaiako in early learning on Te Whāriki Online is a Story of Practice illustrating how two services have used elements of Tuia Mātauranga in designing focus areas for a local curriculum
He Meka! He Meka!
He Meka! He Meka! is a set of questions, images and facts designed to share with family and friends, to prompt conversations about Aotearoa New Zealand histories, identity and the future.
The questions span four broad themes:
He Meka! He Meka! includes both English and te reo Māori prompts to encourage engagement and exploration of these themes from Māori and/or pākehā perspectives.
The He Meka! He Meka! cards and supporting resources are available from the National Library website.
Curiosity Cards
As part of Tuia Mātauranga, the Ministry and National Library of New Zealand have worked in partnership to develop a set of Tuia Mātauranga Curiosity Cards, intended to spark student inquiry about the multiple histories that have formed our nation, and to encourage discussion about our rich histories and our national identity.
Each card includes:
an image of a New Zealand historic item, place, event, or person
fertile questions in English and te reo Maōri to inspire inquiry about the image and its wider story
a link to more related online resources to explore on the DigitalNZ website.
The Curiosity Cards are available from the National Library website.